Three month program

We will guide you over a 3 month period as below, creating founders of a venture for india. Our guidance will be once a week at a designated time, entirely online. We will provide you structure, tools & frameworks as required for this. As is understandable, each startup will have different needs, this will be taken up on a case by case basis. At a high level, the program is as defined below.

Month 1

Week 1
Getting to know each other across countriesResources
Competition & 3 month program details
Competition Q&A
Team Introductions
Startup Overview
Flow over the 3 months
Week 2
Problem Validation
Validate problem with customersResources
Investigate customer segments & plan
Create Lean Canvas
Plan research
Meet 10-15 customers
Research the competition
Week 3
Value Proposition
Craft Unique Value PropositionResources
Understand customers & their journeys
Meet 10-15 customers
Create Empathy Maps
Create Journey Maps
Research Pricing
Week 4
Business model
How to make money from this ideaResources
Develop KPI's for this venture
Revenue streams
Customer sizing
Market Size

The first half of the next month you focus on putting it all together as a venture,  while the latter half is devoted to working with customers. As you go, sign them up to the product/service you offer / plan to offer.

Month 2

Week 5
Minimum Viable Product
Design your Minimum Viable ProductResources
Find a way to deliver max value with min effort
Select MVP features
Design MVP
Test MVP
Apply feedback
Week 6
Review & Revise
Put it all together & review with teamResources
Review strategy to sign-up customers
Prepare Draft Pitch Pack
1st draft of MVP
Test MVP
Apply feedback
Week 7 & 8
Sign ups
Sign up customers /users /leadsResources
Sign up people as per roadmap defined
Meet & sign up people
Create & test hypothesis
Update lean canvas
Plan & run sprints

Next month you continue signing up people & getting traction towards the success criteria. Latter half of the month you prepare the best version of your venture to present at the competition finals.

Month 3

Week 9 & 10
Sign ups
Sign up customers /users /leadsResources
Sign up people as per roadmap defined
Meet & sign up people
Create & test hypothesis
Update lean canvas
Plan & run sprints
Week 11
Review & Revise
Put it all together & review with teamResources
Review presentation for competition finals
Finalise Pitch Pack
Finalise the numbers
Sign-up customers
Plan & run sprints
Week 12
Present your startup to the Australian foundersResources
Present your achievements
Your Pitch Pack
Your Roadmap
Your Business Model